Nu Nu Lusan

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Under siege in Myanmar’s cyber-scam capital

Within days, the MNDAA was waving its flag over a major border gate and showing off large hauls of newly-seized weapons in one of the most dramatic resistance advances since the coup. Sources working inside Laukkai’s scamming compounds, however, told Al Jazeera they had little idea what was happening outside.
Htun first noticed something was amiss when mobile networks went dead and he had to scam using wi-fi instead. Then the electricity stopped, and on November 20, he awoke to realise that his...

Trapped in Myanmar’s cyber-scam mills

In October of 2021, La Awng travelled from his native Kachin State in Myanmar to Laukkai, the capital of the country’s autonomous Kokang region near the border with China, planning to work in a casino. Instead, he was trafficked into a cyber-scamming business run by Chinese criminal networks.
The scam industry has boomed across Southeast Asia since the COVID-19 pandemic; by the end of 2023, syndicates in the region were using online fraud schemes to rob people around the world of some $64bn annu...

How to Survive a Coup — The Dial

When the military seized power from Myanmar’s elected civilian government in February 2021, the coup sparked an unprecedented human rights and economic crisis. Within weeks, millions of people had joined nonviolent protests and hundreds of thousands had gone on strike, joining a civil disobedience movement that quickly decimated military-administered systems across the country. By April 2021, the military had shot hundreds of protesters dead, driving young people across the country to take up ar

Charred bodies, burned homes: A ‘campaign of terror’ in Myanmar

The villagers of Kone Ywar in central Myanmar had two hours to flee.

It was February 28. Columns of soldiers were approaching the village along its main roads to the north and west. There was only one way out - a dirt path to the east with a small bridge over the Yama stream. The bridge could only take motorbikes, no cars or bullock carts.

“There were about 1,000 of us. And only one exit for everyone,” said Kyaw Hsan Oo, a resident of Kone Ywar. “It was terrifying, difficult and chaotic.”


My Articles

In Kachin’s icy mountains, the search for a coveted fungus heats up


This article was supported by the Pulitzer Center Rainforest Journalism Fund and is part of a series on the coup’s impact on natural resource economies in Kachin State.

In April 2019, when he was 16 years old, Hmone Ram began trekking deep into the snow-capped Hkakabo Razi mountains of Kachin State’s far north. Layering up in his warmest clothes, he stuffed a head-strap basket with blankets, plastic sheeting and dry food and set off from his nat...

In Myanmar’s worsening conflict, health workers deliver care and dodge death

Emily and her colleague were driving their mobile health unit near the Thai-Myanmar border last October when military forces began pursuing them.
The two health workers had planned to deliver treatment to those in need, “but in the middle of the route, we were found out by the junta soldiers, tracked, and followed, and they started shooting,” Emily recalled.
Forced to abandon the rest of their unit, the pair ran into the jungle but got separated. Emily ended up taking a bullet to the shoulde...

‘Afraid of the gun’: Military coup fuels Myanmar resource grab

A political crisis triggered by the military takeover makes life even more dangerous for those fighting to protect the environment.

Htu Seng has spent the past decade defending the land and environment of her native Kachin State but it was only after the military seized power in a coup in February 2021 that she began fearing for her life.

Forcibly relocated from her village near the river confluence known as Myitsone in 2011, to make way for a China-backed hydropower project that was suspended

'Our hearts are on fire': Hpakant airstrikes fuel Kachin revolutionary spirit

The military’s bombing of a concert near the jade mining hub of Hpakant has sowed widespread fear but also made the Kachin people more determined to liberate their homeland and achieve self-determination.

As Roi Nu* sat on her veranda in Kachin State’s jade mining town of Hpakant on the evening of October 23, three black silhouettes darted across the horizon, followed by a flash that lit up the indigo sky.

“We have no internet, so we didn’t know what was happening,” said Roi Nu, who like other

In Myanmar, a monk takes on the junta

1 February 2021 started like any other day for Sayadaw U Yaw Gyi, a Buddhist monk and monastic teacher living in Myanmar’s Irrawaddy region. He woke up at 4am, went out to collect alms, and returned to his monastery at 5am. Only then did he check Facebook and learn that the military had staged a coup. The internet and phone line were cut off soon after. By 8am, the coup was confirmed by a state TV broadcast announcing the military had seized power. “When I heard the news, my mind was not on teac

Young, rebellious and the Myanmar military’s ‘worst enemy’

Young people are leading opposition to the coup and have not been deterred by the military’s harassment, surveillance and brutality.

Before the military seized power from the civilian government in Myanmar early last year and proceeded to kill and arrest thousands, Hnin Si enjoyed a peaceful life in the southern city of Dawei.

During the week, she would go to her office; at the weekend, she would explore nearby nature on her bicycle or go hiking with friends in the mountains overlooking the An

Kachin’s illegal wildlife trade booms in post-coup free-for-all

The hunting of rare and threatened animals in the remote forests of Kachin State appears to have increased due to the pandemic and the military coup, while demand from China continues despite border closures.

Every September since he was a teenager, Zi Phong* has set off from his village in Kachin State’s northern Putao township with a month’s worth of rations and a single-shot tumi rifle on his back. Trekking through dense mountain forests, the Rawang hunter, now 49, sets steel traps every 6.5

Communities defy bombs to keep schools running in Myanmar

When Biak* walked into a classroom on 1 June, the first day of Myanmar’s school year, it bore no resemblance to the one he had last set foot in more than two years prior, when he was in fourth grade.

Then, he wore a green-and-white uniform and sat at a wooden desk at a government school in Yangon. Now, he has no uniform and studies inside a tarpaulin tent located at a community school for people displaced by war.

In between, Biak experienced one hardship after another. On 1 February 2021, the

Kachin public calls on KIO to address gold mining crisis

Unwilling to accept military rule, many in Kachin are looking to the Kachin Independence Organization to fill a void in governance. As the KIO strengthens its influence, it is facing mounting pressure to regulate environmentally destructive gold mining.

Bawk Nu* has spent the last 11 years dreaming of the day she could safely return to her village of Nam San Yang. She is one of more than 100,000 people who fled their homes following a resumption in fighting between the military and the armed wi

Period pain: Women in Myanmar struggle with menstrual hygiene

A year after Myanmar erupted into civil war prompted by a February 2021 military coup, more than half a million people have been internally displaced and millions are unable to access basic food and medical needs.

For women, the hardships are compounded by the challenge of managing their monthly periods.

“I have to use one sanitary pad for the whole day and night. I use it until the blood overflows and sometimes, I use a cloth when I don’t have pads at all,” said Sandar, from the country’s nor

In the Wake of Coup, Gold Mining Boom Is Ravaging Myanmar

With a military junta retaking power last year, a gold rush is increasingly despoiling rivers in the Myanmar state of Kachin, polluting water with mercury, destroying riverbanks and farmland, and disrupting the traditional way of life of the region’s ethnic groups.

He traveled 60 miles west, passing through verdant forests, rice paddies, and small villages of bamboo houses. Reaching Bhamo, a town on the banks of the Irrawaddy, Myanmar’s longest river, he began mining gold and earning $4 per day

Myanmar’s military uses internet blackouts to hide its alleged atrocities

When he lost internet access in late September 2021, Salai Kyaw Moe began riding his motorbike from his home in Chin state to a town on the border with the neighboring Magway region, where he could pick up a faint 2G signal.

The Myanmar military shut down the internet hours before it seized power in a military coup in February 2021. Since then, it has routinely disrupted access across the country. In September, the junta blocked access in 25 townships in northwestern and central Myanmar’s Manda

Electricity shortages add to woes in Myanmar after coup

On Feb. 1, exactly one year after the military coup in Myanmar, a man set himself on fire in front of his local electricity office. According to media reports of the incident, he was protesting against increasing power outages which had affected his iron fence business. He died later that day, leaving behind a handwritten note: “May all Myanmar citizens have light 24 hours a day. We are not going back to 2001-2002.”

Back then, the country was isolated under military rule and was considered one

‘They carry me on their backs and run’

Over 60s and those with disabilities face greater risks as military crackdown on anti-coup movement continues.

Over the past nine months, Daw Mu Ree has hidden in the forest outside her village to avoid military attacks in Myanmar’s northwestern Sagaing region more times than she can count.

At 83, she is unable to walk fast or far, so her son and daughter carry her.

“I told them to leave me behind…but they won’t leave me,” she said. “Whenever we flee, they carry me on their backs and run.”


Kachin tycoon draws controversy over gold mining at Myitsone

Local people call for community leaders to do more to stop one of Kachin State’s most influential businessmen and his company from digging up and destroying land near the famed river confluence.

Sut Mai* started mining gold from the bank of Kachin State’s Mali River in 2013, when he was 18. He uses a shovel, generator-powered suction pipes, a sluice pan and a tray. “Local people have been mining gold for a long time, but it’s difficult and there’s not much profit,” he said.

He hails from Tang

Mothers of the Myanmar revolution: ‘I worry about whether he has warm clothes’

When Peh Reh’s* mother, Mi Nya*, lost contact with him in September, she had little doubt as to where he had gone. Four months earlier, the 19-year-old had told her he wanted to join the armed resistance against the military, which had seized power from the democratically-elected government in Myanmar in February 2021. Yet she refused to let him leave their home in Myanmar’s south-eastern Karenni state (also known as Kayah).

“In my eyes, he is still so young,” she says. “If I could, I would lik

Christmas eve killings reinforce views of ‘evil’ Myanmar military

Military’s burning of more than 30 civilians in their vehicles on December 24 left locals ‘devastated and terrified’ in Kayah State.

At two in the morning on December 24, Pray Meh was awakened by the sound of drones flying over in her village in Hpruso township in Myanmar’s southeastern Kayah State. Since clashes between anti-coup forces and the military erupted in May, the buzzing of drones has become a familiar sound.

Pray Meh, who is from the predominantly Christian Karenni ethnic group in

Military coup kills higher education dreams in Myanmar

With a deteriorating situation at home, many Myanmar youth are trying to study abroad, but face new hurdles in their way.

When the Myanmar military seized power on February 1, Deborah’s plans to study abroad fell apart.

Last year, the 21-year-old won a conditional place at a university in the United States, pending submission of her transcripts. She requested them from the Ministry of Education in December and was informed they would be ready in early February. But within days of the coup, civ

Amid education boycotts, ethnic schools help to fill the gap

A boycott of state schools under military rule has caused a spike in enrollments at ethnic community schools and created opportunities for ethnic armed organizations to broaden and strengthen trust and understanding with the public.

When state-run schools opened throughout Myanmar on June 1, in many cases with armed soldiers stationed outside, fewer than 10 percent of students showed up. But in ethnic community schools, including those run by ethnic armed organizations, enrollments have skyrock
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Supported Articles

How the Kachin public overturned a rare earth mining project in KIO territory

Despite rising financial pressures to supply weapons and provide public services in its territory, the KIO cancelled a major business deal in response to protests from local communities trying to protect their land and environment.

This article was supported by the Pulitzer Center Rainforest Journalism Fund and is part of a about the coup’s impact on natural resource economies in Kachin State.

On April 15, in response to public protests, the Kachin Independence Organization controversial plans

Myanmar’s ethnic Bamar majority seeks amends with Rohingya after they, too, face military violence

In the eight months since a military coup, Myanmar’s ethnic majority has shown unprecedented efforts to build solidarity with long-persecuted minorities, including the Rohingya, and to make amends for failures to stand with them in the past.

Since the military seized power on Feb. 1, its forces have killed more than 1,100 unarmed protesters and bystanders, including at least 75 children. More than 8,300 people have been arrested, some of whom were tortured or forcibly disappeared, human-rights

In Myanmar’s protests, diverse ethnic people stand united against a military coup, but some are pushing for bigger change

In the wake of a military coup, the Myanmar public has shown a fiercely unified front in opposing the new regime and restoring the civilian government. But protests look markedly different between areas dominated by the Bamar majority ethnic group and the seven ethnic states which line the country’s borderlands.

At protests in predominantly Bamar areas, including the urban centres of Yangon and Mandalay, elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s portrait adorns banners, signboards and T-shirts. Demonst

Fear and uncertainty for refugees in Malaysia as xenophobia escalates

Refugees and asylum seekers in Malaysia say they’re facing an increasingly critical situation as arrests and xenophobia escalate during the coronavirus pandemic.

In recent weeks, authorities in the Southeast Asian nation have scaled up immigration arrests, including through a series of raids in locked-down neighbourhoods with COVID-19 clusters and large migrant and refugee populations.

Nearly 180,000 refugees and asylum seekers are registered with the UN’s refugee agency, UNHCR, in Malaysia, i